Ya Allah, it has been a while I open my own blog. Tapi malam nie, tak tahu lah kenapa tiba-tiba je terbukak pintu hati nak bukak blog sendiri. Kalau tak, selalunya bukak blog Fatin Liyana and Maria Elena. Well, their blog inspired me and others I think. Sebab tu ramai baca blog dia orang, kalau baca blog Fatin Liyana boleh berangan jadi doctor kejap, kalau bukak blog Maria Elena, boleh feeling-feeling yang kita nie business woman yang berjaya, and I like when both of them post about their trip to another country, It's feel I was there and travel with them. 

Okay, back to the topic yang saya tak mention lagi topic apa sebenarnya. This is the last week before final start and of course seperti biasa NADIA SYAZWINA BT ISHAK nie memang tak reti-reti nak study, tengoklah sekarang boleh lagi tulis blog. Kononnya nak bukak laptop sebab nak buat JAVA, kononnya laaah. tapi tertekan google chrome.

I think this sem rasa sangat relax, padahal subject makin berat tapi kita orang relax je, I don't know why, maybe sebab jadual kita orang tak pack sem nie. Yelah, lepas pukul 12 dah tak ada kelas, balik bilik semua relax je, and of course I'm one of them. Nie dah nak final, mula lah masing-masing macam lipas kudung, macam tikus tak ada kaki, macam kucing nak beranak, macam harimau nak bertelur, macam burung tak nak terbang. Supposedly this is my study week, tapi disebabkan banjir hari tu, so study week kita orang dibatalkan, and I'm so sad!

Haa daah laa, every minute is precious now! For all UITM student, good luck for your final! wish you a good luck! Be The Best Among The Best!